That Guy …

Yes! I am the guy.
That guy in whom no one believed.
The guy who doesn’t know where to go and what to do Yes!
I am that guy.

Someone who will actually design for you without a thing in return and he will always go like give cheerfully as the Lord has blessed you with,
thinking he is really helping people get to the top through his little efforts.
What does he get in return? Ungratefulness! People misunderstood his kindness for stupidity, thinking he doesn’t know how to put his skills into good use.

Yes! I am that same guy who wants to be a philanthropist one day and having others at heart, so he doesn’t mind giving out whatever he has worked for each day. Basically with the ideology that, it is a purposeful call for him in life.

Same dude whose girlfriend left him because things were not going as expected.
When all sources for help proved futile and even those he has ever helped before failed to offer him a helping hand when he most needed them.
He is that same guy.

I am hopeful that in day to come, things will change for the betterment of my well-being.
If you happen to be amazed and ask me how I did it?
I shall respond, my victory is from above.

When you see my Glory and victory, do not try changing my name to Johannesburg, because that is the more reason I changed my name from Johannesburg to Johannes.

I am that guy called Johannes….

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Johannes A. Laryea was born in Accra, Ghana to a Ghanaian parents and come from Okushibiade in the Greater Accra region. He was a product of Youth Empowerment Synergy Ghana, and Holy Trinity Cathedral High school and the formal drama director of the school. He has worked with Playhouse.kom (a stage drama production). He placed first with his school in a drama competition of Asembi drama production and Sankofa National drama competition, he also places third in the Black history, poetry slam competition and has performed and acted in Heritage Africa and Yorkless Egg Production now Dzolali Theater Production and have written most of his poems on Facebook, Protagonize and have inspired people to act, write and to direct. Johannes is a young motivational speaker. He is very caring, love to be among children. He believes that children are more special and that all mankind need to care for them. Johannes is a christian, church with the International Central Gospel Church (I.C.G.C) Ghana and also a visual artist.

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