Bleed of pain

I’m hurt, and I’m heartbroken 
I’m bleeding like never before 
My humbleness has caused me pain in the eyes of many
I am not a good friend 
Not even a good worker 
My humbleness has torn me apart and
I’m seen to be proud, I’m heartbroken
Aid me if you can hear my voice 
change me if you can see my pain and humble me if you think I’m proud 
Don’t assume my intentions 
Stop insinuating and be real

Blame it on your heart

He is a fine gentleman in his shirt 
he has a loving smile that dances on his face 
he speaks of riches when he has nothing to count from his pocket
yet he is not careful, he plays his cards like a pro 
very intelligent and smart 
yet he refuses to learn  
out of his shirt 
he is like an angel of darkness
he has no mercy for anyone 
blame it on your heart if you get close to him 
He is a bloody lier 
if you seek to be saved listen to him but not more than a second
else blame it on your heart 

What is…

What is life without people?
What is a solution without suggestion?
What is right without wrong?
What is failure without learning
What is You without them?
Albert Einstein has said things
He said “Stay away from negative people.
For they have a problem for every solution.
He said “A clever person solves a problem
A wise person avoids it.
But any fool can know The point is to understand. You see life riding a bicycle to keep your balance you must keep moving.
The truth sings of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.
Listen, to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or objects.

It’s amazing how life treats things the more knowledge you have, the lesser your egos and vice-versa, to say I can, is hundred times more important than IQ.
In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity and insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results
Pick this, life is a game you have to learn the rules then play it better than anyone else.
Learn not to be a success, but rather to be valued.
The ability to change is measured by your intelligence, that is why logic will take from “A to B” and imagination takes you anywhere.  Everybody is genius, but if you judge a fish by is ability to climb a tree , it will take its whole life, believe that is stupid, so the one who follow the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd, but who walks alone is likely to find himself in a place no one has ever been before.

This life that we live holds two things.
One is as though nothing is a miracle and the other is as though everything is a miracle.
You see Albert Einstein said all this, so can I say what is greatness without Albert Einstein.